Tag Archives: diamonds

Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend

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Marilyn Monroe (although originally performed by Carol Channing) got it right when she sang, “diamond’s are a girl’s best friend.” Every woman should own a pair of diamond earrings. They don’t have to be big and elaborate or anything, they don’t even have to be a full karat. They just need to be diamonds. Why, you ask? Diamonds have the power to make a woman (or man, I suppose) feel special. There’s something very regal and timeless about a diamond.

If you’re reading this blog, you might be aware of the 4 C’s of diamond purchasing. But, I will cover them briefly.

  • Cut ~ The cut of a diamond affects how much it sparkles. If it is cut at the right angle, the sparkle will be fantastic. This is generally what people look for first in their diamonds.
  • Color ~ The color of a diamond is generally some shade of yellow, although not blatantly noticeable by the average human eye. The purest diamonds are completely colorless and, consequently, the most expensive.
  • Clarity ~ The clarity of a diamond measures how many imperfections are in the diamond. Since diamonds are made mostly in nature, it’s natural for some imperfections to be present.
  • Carat ~ The carat refers to the diamonds weight. Note: The weight of a diamond does not always reflect its size.
For more information on purchasing diamonds, visit here.
Happy diamond shopping!